Bayer receives award for the credibility of its sustainability reporting  

Diposting oleh Ivan Istyawan

Awards ceremony in Berlin: Richard Howitt (right), Member of the European Parliament, presents the trophy to Bayer representatives Ursula Mathar, Head of Sustainability & External Reporting, and Franz Rempe, Head of Corporate Publications.
Leverkusen, March 5, 2008 – Bayer has received another award for its Sustainable Development Report 2006: In an international online voting of more than 20,000 people, the report by Bayer AG was rated the publication with the highest “openness and honesty“ among 156 sustainability reports by global companies. This was announced by online service-provider “”, the organizer of the voting, which is the first global, independent survey of its kind. This internet platform manages the world’s largest directory of sustainability reports, which currently contains in excess of 16,000 reports by more than 4,000 companies from 105 countries. The award, which was presented at an international sustainability congress in Berlin, is the second within a short space of time for the Bayer Sustainable Development Report 2006.

Only a few weeks ago, the renowned research institute Roberts Environmental Center in Claremont, California, awarded the report a prize for being the best sustainability report in its sector.
“We congratulate Bayer AG on this award. As the results of the voting prove, this is an expression of the confidence that many stakeholders have in the sustainability reporting of the company," says Paul Scott, Director of
“We are very happy with the results of this study. It confirms that our open and comprehensive approach to informing stockholders, employees and the public about our sustainability activities in an attractive way is on the right track,” says Heiner Springer, Head of Corporate Communications at Bayer AG. The yearly report, which is available as a printed and online version, illustrates how the Bayer Group harmonizes economy, ecology and social responsibility.
Bayer places great value on ensuring that its sustainability reporting is comprehensible, as well as being open and transparent. “We set ourselves new qualitative and quantitative sustainability targets every year as a benchmark for our activities,” explains Dr. Wolfgang Grosse Entrup, Head of Environment & Sustainability at Bayer AG. “Our reporting on our activities in the field of sustainable development also meets the internationally recognized guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative which have been drawn up with the involvement of the United Nations.” Our sustainability management system is also certified every year by an auditor.
You can find further information about the ranking on the Internet at:
You can also find Bayer's 2006 Sustainable Development Report and additional information on this topic on the Internet at:
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